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Kenya Fixed deposit account yield comparator

BanksYield Per AnnumMinimum AmountTermPenaltySource
Stanbic Holdings Plc. ord.5.004.70%Kes. 20,000 12 monthsForfeit all interest acquired
Equity Group Holdings Ord 0.50KShs 20,000>1 monthPremature withdrawal of deposits is allowed on this account
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd Ord 5.001.1%-5%KES 100, 0003months, 6months, 9 months ,12 monthsTerminating the fixed deposit before it matures is not allowed. In the event of partial or total early withdrawal, charges may apply and you will forfeit all the interest accrued.
The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 1.004.50%KES 50,000 1 to 12 months Yes customers are permitted to uplift Fixed Deposits before maturity interest is forfeited, unless otherwise sanctioned as per the approved Authority Limits.
Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.005% to 10.5%Kes. 100,0001 month, 6months, 12 monthsYou lose some of the interest accumulated but not all
KCB Group Ltd Ord 1.006.30% Kes. 500 12 monthsForfeit all interest acquired
I&M Holdings Ltd6.50%Kes. 50000>1 monthAll interested earned in that period will be forfeited and the principal amount will be return
Absa Bank Kenya PLC6.49%KES 50,000 >1 monthAll interested earned in that period will be forfeited and the principal amount will be return
NCBA Group PLC5 to 10%KES 100,000>1 monthAll interested earned in that period will be forfeited and the principal amount will be return